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Does Your Student Have the Necessary Executive Functioning Skills to Succeed in High School & College?

Are You Unsure How to Best Support Their Academic Needs?

Student Coaching Can Get Them on Track!


ADHD brain example of executive functions

How Can Student Coaching Help My Child?

Especially Those With ADHD and Executive Dysfunction

We work with students all over the world virtually to set up customized and ongoing support to help them develop strong executive functioning skills such as time management, organization, motivation, study skills, willpower, self-advocacy, planning, and much more.  



The process begins with a 15-minute phone conversation with our Coach Manager, Keith. (Completely optional) He will get to know you and your student’s concerns, so he can match your student with the right coach. Some skip this step and go right to setting up the assessment. The 1-hour Student Assessment session is conducted virtually between your student and their assigned coach.

The assessment is used to determine if your student is a good candidate for coaching. The coach will ask questions about your student’s academic strengths, challenges, and concerns. We take a holistic approach by also asking your student about their favorite hobbies, interests, music, foods, and everything in between! Expectations and the format of the coaching process are explained in detail.

The decision to commit to the coaching process is NOT MADE at the time of the assessment. We believe your child needs the time and space on their own to decide whether or not coaching is right for them. It’s important for us that your child feels no pressure from their parents or us to commit on the spot.

A telephone follow-up is conducted 1-2 days after the assessment. If both the coach and the student feel this is a match made in heaven, we move on to the next steps.


Your student meets with their coach (virtually) on a weekly basis for about 60 minutes. During their dedicated session their coach reviews syllabi and schedules, creates action plans and priorities, teaches study skills and homework helpers, focuses on time management and motivation, and creates systems and support for life and learning skills.

Our sessions provide a forum for students to share concerns and struggles and get support without criticism or judgement. With trust and collaboration, we build responsibility and accountability for life.

We also provide additional resources to create personalized solutions that fit the way YOUR student thinks and learns. We keep them on track, help transfer skills and work with them towards THEIR goals.

Since coaching is all about helping your student develop executive functioning skills, multiple CHECK-INS DURING THE WEEK are included. They’re key to helping students navigate time management or procrastination challenges, manage overwhelm and distractions, juggle projects and exams in real time.

Got questions? Visit our student coaching FAQ page.



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The initial Client Assessment is charged at a single flat rate that covers the initial phone call, preliminary review, and the session itself.

We charge a WEEKLY fee for our coaching services that covers the following:

  • Weekly 60-minute session (conducted virtually)

  • Unlimited text|email|telephone contact & support between sessions with your student

  • A recording of the session in a private Dropbox folder shared by the student & coach

  • Copies of any relevant tools

  • One parent/coach short monthly call to discuss student’s progress

  • If a parent needs additional sessions those will be billed separately.

Want To Learn More About The Student Coaching Process?

Watch “The Student Coach Approach & Learn How Coaching Can Help Your Child”



Meet Our Student Coaches


All of OOOC’s coaches are carefully trained, supervised, and recruited by Leslie. They meet our very high standards, have multiple credentials and spend hours in the trenches with students.

Keith Senzer - Student Coaching Services, Order Out of Chaos

Keith Senzer


Keith is our Student Coach’s Manager and joined our team in 2019. He’s an ADHD Student Coach & a Youth Empowerment Coach who works with teens on Social/ Emotional Learning and Executive Functioning Skills. He’s also the President of the Sophia Valsamos Foundation, a not for profit who's mission is to empower young people to take a stand against bullying, and find support around challenges.

Keith has raised a son with ADHD and has it himself. He balances teaching Executive Functioning and life skills thorough his coach training and life experiences.


“Our son has improved tremendously on many levels and is doing so much better in school. Keith is not only an academic coach but also a life coach. We cannot express enough what a positive impact Keith has had on our son’s life and ours.”

— Melissa H.

Sarah Weingarten - Student Coaching Services Manager, Order Out of Chaos

Sarah Weingarten

Sarah joined our team in 2018. She’s a certified academic/life coach for students with ADHD and specializes in skill-based learning.

Growing up as the oldest of nine siblings in Upstate New York, Sarah learned the importance of strong study skills and the benefits of being organized. She loves working with students to develop their organizational, time management, and study skills so that each student has the opportunity to reach their fullest potential.


"Sarah, thank you for a phenomenal semester with Jared. I so appreciate our reflection phone calls and always gain more and more insights about your work together. You're as helpful to me as a parent as much as you are to Jared. You are a true talent and an extraordinary professional."

— Karen G.


John Gassner

John Gassner

John is a certified academic/life coach that works with students and young adults with ADHD and Executive Dysfunction challenges.  John draws upon his professional knowledge and expertise of ADHD, as well as his own personal experience living with his uniquely wired brain to help students create customized strategies to strengthen their academic and executive functioning skills.

John hails from New York City where he has raised two fantastic kids who he continues to learn from every day.


“This last semester, under John's guidance, our daughter has achieved her highest GPA to date (3.5) and she has the confidence she needs as she launches off to college where she will continue to play soccer at the collegiate level.”

– Danielle S.


Michelle Chalfen

As an executive functioning coach and a former special education teacher with over 25 years of classroom teaching experience, Michelle’s specialty is helping students discover individualized strategies for learning & strengthening skills.  

She loves working with students to develop a love of learning through specific organizational and study skills that build confidence and motivation. Michelle lives in New York with her husband and adorable Havanese.  She has raised two sons who continue to impress her in every way!



Tales From the Trenches

Molly’s Story


When I began working with Molly, she was having a difficult time studying for exams. Specifically waiting for the night before to begin. Her intentions were good. She would write it in her planner and figure it into her daily plan. However, as a high school senior, Molly was a super busy student. She didn’t arrive home each day until early evening. So by the time she decompressed, ate dinner and completed the homework that was due the next day, it was late into the night. By then Molly was exhausted. And it was too difficult for her to get her brain to do the heavy lifting that was required for studying. So if her test wasn’t the next day, Molly gave herself permission to skip studying for that evening. “It can wait until tomorrow.” But tomorrow never happened and Molly usually found herself staring down hours of studying the night before an exam. So to help kick this habit, I suggested to Molly she make one simple switch.

Study BEFORE you do your nightly homework. At first, she resisted since it just didn’t feel “normal.” But once she tried it, it actually worked. Molly operated on a system of Have To’s and Not Have To’s. Homework that was due the next day fell into the HAD to pile. Studying for a test that wasn’t the next day didn’t. So by flipping it and studying first, Molly always completed her nightly homework as well. She found that when she saved studying for last, it depleted her brain power supply, leaving her with very little gas in her tank to get going. Switching it up resolved that issue for her.

Ethan’s Story


Ethan was pretty beaten down when we first met. A second-semester college freshman, he was on academic probation having failed two classes the previous semester. As we dug into the details, his self-proclaimed laziness and procrastination were a constant throughout our conversations even though he had juggled 18 credits, a part-time job, visiting his ill father, and countless other responsibilities. He equated being lazy with procrastinating.

Ethan started school at 90 miles an hour and his speed never let up. With no structure or routine in place or any downtime in his schedule, he worked whenever he could find the time – in between classes, early in the morning before work, during meals, and when visiting with his dad. Since he felt that he had to activate all the time, he burnt out quickly and began avoiding his work at all costs.

I worked with Ethan to add “unscheduled” time to his schedule each week. He gave himself “permission” to take Saturdays completely off. This “scheduling of the unscheduled” completely changed Ethan’s mindset and productivity. Since Saturdays were his to do whatever he desired, he had no problem activating and staying motivated on Sundays or burning the late-night candle during the week.


Want more information or to set up a discovery call?

Call us at 914.315.9282 or email us at