LESLIE LIKES: Why Is the Time Timer the Best Timer for Students?


It’s the Most Effective Time Management Tool to SEE the Passing of Time

Most of us are visual learners. Managing an abstract concept like “time” is a struggle for most students. The Time Timer changes the game by helping you “SEE” time pass. As time elapses, the bright red disk quietly disappears, showing you how much time is left. No ticking! No numbers! Just a clear intuitive visual to help you see time move.

Using the Time Timer for the Whole Family

Discover the power of the award-winning Time Timer to transform never-ending meals, endless homework struggles, stressful transition periods and resistance to routines.

Use your Time Timer to:

Ease and manage daily routines: morning, dinner, cleanup, bath & bedtime.Monitor turns and time for homework, computer use, instrument practice and play time.Manage time-outs: help children calm down and watch their frustration fade as the red disk vanishes.Be punctual: when the red disk disappears, we’ll go!Increase productivity: how quickly can you clean this room?Be organized: keep track of valuable time and break large, overwhelming projects into small, manageable 10-minute activities.

Need more reasons to use the Time Timer for Your Student?

Reading time – it is easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel for the required 15 or 20 daily minutes of reading.

Computer time – stop being the bad guy who “owns the mystery of elapsed time” and ends the fun. Kids of all ages can self-monitor with a Time Timer.

Piano practice – any activity or practice session is easier to manage when there’s a clearly defined stopping point.

Taking turns – on anything from mom or dad’s iPad to the favored toy of the moment.

I recommend The Time Timer as my #1 recommended time management tool!



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These Giant Post-It Notes are another one of my favorite products for students.

Read about why I love them and how to use them HERE!


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