"ADHD, College, and Procrastination: A Lack of Cognitive Skills" on Attention Talk Radio


When you think about it, observable behavior is a kind of shadow of cognitive behavior that is influenced by cognitive constraints. Question is, what role do cognitive constraints and cognitive behavior have on procrastination? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, Leslie joins ADHD Coach Jeff Copper (https://digcoaching.com) for an informative conversation on her experience with students and procrastination. In terms of cognitive behavior and cognitive skills, we assume college students have them but often don’t. Jeff and Leslie discuss how this assumption relates to procrastination. If you or a loved one is a college student who procrastinates, be sure to listen to this show.

LIKE WHAT YOU’RE HEARING? We suggest you check out this great podcast next: Time Management for More Focused Teens.


Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by Jeff Copper, attention and ADHD coach, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works.

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Order Out of Chaos’ mission is to provide hands-on education, guidance, and coaching to parents and their students through our customized products and programs, so all children – both mainstream and with learning difficulties – can develop the necessary skills needed to experience success in learning and in life.

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