Feel Like You Just Can't Get Motivated? We Have Help!


Being a professional organizing coach—aka person hired to get people to actually deal with their jam-packed basements/attics/closets, not-yet-written term papers and stuff like that—I hear two claims over and over: “I don’t feel like it right now” and “The thing is, I’m not really in the mood to do this.” (Sound familiar?) For my clients, it’s less about disorganization or time management and more about the will to begin and then keep going, which boils down to one word: motivation. Why is it so hard to get motivated? I’ll tell you.

For some, getting started is just too difficult and overwhelming. For others, lack of structure is killer: Without a detailed schedule and deadline, they can’t muster the energy to start a sizable task, let alone see it through. And then there’s paralysis caused by simple dislike or fear.

Helping people override these typical hang-ups is my bread and butter. I offer specific, constructive advice.

Forget about goals

Instead, face fears. As best-selling author Tim Ferriss explains in his powerful 2017 TED Talk, we’re better off “fear setting” versus goal setting to overcome self-paralysis and spur action, because what we fear most is exactly what we need to be doing. He encourages clearly defining our fears in terms of both costs and benefits to lessen their power. We all know that the build-up or negative anticipation is usually way worse than the task itself. So the next time you feel unmotivated, ask yourself, “How bad will this really be?” An honest answer just might fuel a positive breakthrough.

Turn on your mental GPS

In other words, figure out where you’re headed before you hit the road. I’m talking the equivalent of drawing a road map to help you navigate from point A to point B. 

  • First, write down precisely what you want to accomplish. Get it out of your head and on paper, where you can see it. Research shows that if we write something down, we are more likely to commit to actually doing it. 

  • Second, break it down. Way down. I can’t stress this enough. Breaking tasks down into manageable chunks makes them less overwhelming and provides multiple opportunities for smaller successes—and with success comes the inspiration to stay motivated. So below “renovate kitchen,” you’d jot “call contractors for estimates, pick paint colors, research appliances,” etc. It’s much easier to wrap a brain around accomplishing each of these steps, which makes them easier to initiate and finish! 

  • Third, assign deadlines to complete each one and schedule appointments in your calendar to work on them. This step is critical. Designate these appointments as non-negotiable. You wouldn’t cancel a meeting with a teacher or your boss. Treat appointments with yourself with the same urgency and consistency. 

  • Next, make getting started simple. Begin with something so easy and small that success is guaranteed. One phone call to make. One email to send. You get the idea. Chances are that once you get started, you’ll keep going. 

Use a timer

Truth be told, this is probably the most powerful tool in my kit to help clients stay motivated. Setting aside a specific amount of time to work can help anyone stay on task—as in, it’s significantly easier to commit to 20 minutes of attic clearing than facing the prospect of hours and hours. I train my clients to use a timer for doing anything around the house. Hate going through the giant pile of accumulated mail? Set a timer for 10 or 15 minutes. When we see “time” ticking down, most of us are more likely to get in gear and stay there. There’s a timer in the Clock feature on your phone, so cue it up. 

Curate your space

I believe that in order to get motivated, people need to create positive energy around their tasks. To that point, environment plays a huge role in encouraging you to complete projects, so make sure you’ve created your “happy place.” This one is truly my favorite. Simply put, if you don’t like where you do your work, you’re not going to get down to business. Paint your home office walls orange if that’s your favorite color. Situate your desk or workspace near a window (research shows that natural light increases productivity). Hang pictures of George Clooney (one of my clients did this!). Aim to create an environment that will keep your energy up so you finish strong every time. Think of it as a natural caffeine boost. 

Pump up the volume

Some researchers say that music can help us prep and initiate. A client of mine puts on the Hamilton soundtrack as soon as she gets to her office, playing it softly in the background while she works. When the music ends, over 2 hours have gone by. This one move keeps her focused and motivated all morning long! 

Short-circuit the Internet

In today’s world, resisting the temptation to web surf or see what’s happening on social media can feel like a job itself. To spare yourself that (wearying!) internal debate and free up brain cells for more important tasks, shut down the web—there are programs that temporarily disable your online connection to eliminate distractions. I recommend Freedom, which works across Windows, Mac and iOs devices, and allows you to schedule blackout sessions in advance or start them on the fly. This means you have something to look forward to when work is done. Hello, Pinterest brain break!

Reward yourself

Tap into the power of payoff: Frozen yogurt. An episode of The Bachelor. Browsing nordstrom.com. (OK, that’s my list.) Build in rewards! When a goal is met, that merits celebrating. You’ve certainly earned it.

This article originally appeared in the October 2018 issue of Family Circle Magazine.


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