10 Minute Tasks to Increase Productivity


Spending just 10 minutes a day on intentional tasks can lead to a more productive and organized day!  Think about it. When you try to accomplish everything at once it can make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated. You might not ever get started! But if you break down projects into manageable parts you’ll feel more in control and get more accomplished.

There’s no need to make it painful or boring. Instead, make it fun! Crank your favorite music and throw yourself a dance party. Set a timer for 10 minutes and play “Beat the Clock” by seeing how many papers you can shred before it goes! Grab your favorite candy or snack and “have a treat while you make it neat!” Infusing energy and play is a wonderful way to get you moving!

We also love applying these 10 minutes tasks to our 7 daily intentions. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

For your brain:

Do part of a crossword puzzle
Set intentions for the day/week

For the house:

Clear your counters
Recycle or shred old papers
Clear out the fridge
Clean out the junk drawer
Sweep or vacuum busy areas

[READ: 5 Organizing Tips For a Clutter-Free Kitchen]

For someone else:

Send a friendly text or email
Mail a handwritten card
Take an elderly neighbors’ trash barrels back for them
Write a thank you note or leave a nice review for a business
Bring coffee to a friend


For your body:

Eat a healthy snack
Meal plan for the week
Go for a 10-minute power walk

For your space:

Organize your desktop
Make your bed
Clean out your purse or backpack
Declutter your inbox
Clean out a junk drawer

[READ: 13 Tips for Organizing A Child’s Bedroom]

For your future goals:

Write a short journal entry
Practice an instrument
Research something you would like to do
Make a vision board

Trust us, just 10 minutes of productive activities will add up over time…and everyone can find just 10 minutes in their day! Give it a try and let us know what you can accomplish.



Order Out of Chaos’ mission is to provide hands-on education, guidance, and coaching to parents and their students through our customized customized products and programs, so all children – both mainstream and with learning difficulties – can develop the necessary skills needed to experience success in learning and in life


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